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Is Your Ad Campaign Maximizing Your Potential Earnings?

Prior to the Internet, embarking on a new adventure meant effectively researching the local area where your business would be set up in order to maximize profits. An online business and website gives you the opportunity to reach markets far beyond the scope of your location, but have you optimized your ads to make use of your global traffic? Christian Arno gives us some tips from his article on Creating a Successful Global Campaign. LetÔÇÖs break it down into language the average...

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The Future of SEO ÔÇô Do You Know Who Are the Major Players?

Ever since Google brought its Panda update to the world, SEO experts have had to change the way they market. With the introduction of Google +, forecasters see a new trend; marketers are going to spend more time getting traffic to their site from any medium- not just search engines. Social media has played a huge role in the sweeping changes to SEO. Now more than ever, Google is relying on users sharing, comments, and recommendations to rank pages more effectively.The ability to fool the...

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The Changes In SEO & Things You Need to Know about Panda 3.7 & 3.8.

Recently┬áSujan Patel┬áfrom┬áSingle Grain┬ácame with an excellent post regarding the recent changes in SEO & things every┬áSEO Professionalsneed to know there are big changes came in algorithm of major search engines┬á that really changed the way of thinking. The first one Sujan covered in ÔÇ£Google Panda 3.7ÔÇ│. Lets see what he mentioned in his blog for Single Grain - On June 8th, 2012, Google rolled out a minor refresh of the Panda algorithm called┬áPanda 3.7, which the search giant claimed noticeably affected only...

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Four Reasons Why Business Process Outsourcing Helps to Run Business Smoothly

BPO has become a common term at present in the world of business. In fact, BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing. Using the BPO system, people get the advantage of completing their respective tasks deploying an external (third party) firm from outside of the country. It is the process of hiring outsider firm(s) to complete some specific tasks of any company or organizations. The process helps to boost up the productivity inside a corporation or industry due to its simplicity. At present BPO has become...

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GoogleÔÇÖs Recent Algorithm Update (Penguin) : A Step to Punish Evils on Search Space!

Search engine giant, Google, launched another updated version to check spamming, dubbed as Penguin. After its inception on April 24, some of the siteÔÇÖs ranking has slightly changed, while the most other remains as usual. Of course the changes in the site ranking have made some of the website owners worried. Why it happened? Is Panda returning by another form? Has the prediction of Matt Cutts become true, which he mentioned over optimization a couple of months back? Penguin is a fresh...

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